Friday, November 21, 2014

Metropolis - Redux!?

One of the crazy things I remember from walking down Champs-Elysees in 1984 as a wide-eyed kid discovering Paris was the big movie posters at the big cinemas. The most impressive of the posters for me was Metropolis (I think it was featured, among other places, at the Gaumont Georges V), with the freaky retro-futuristic robot head. At the time I had no idea it was an old movie from 1927 by Fritz Lang (a great one, highly recommended!). What was even more confusing was that the poster was mostly advertizing the soundtrack by a certain Giorgio Moroder.
I think most people have forgotten that indeed Giorgio Moroder, one of the big names in Disco, restored the old movie and created an entirely new soundtrack for it. I've seen the old movie, but never had the chance(?) to see it with this disco soundtrack. But YouTube is here to help, and so this is one of the songs written for this soundtrack, and the video summarizes the plot of the movie pretty well (so don't watch it if you don't want any spoilers!).

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