Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Welcome to The 1984 Project! The goal of this blog is to celebrate the 30th anniversary of year 1984. Why 1984? There could be many reasons (for example, Orwell's book has never been more prophetic), but MY reason is simply that it's been 30 years since I made a life-changing move to a tiny village in France at the age of 14. Maybe it was the fascination for everything new and different, maybe it was traumatic, maybe it was simply about a teenager trying to drink it all in to try to fit in as fast as possible, but in any case it turns out that even 30 years later, I remember that year very well. This means pretty much every song, every movie, every TV show, every political event, the name of every pupil in my class is still clearly stuck in my stupid brain.

And so The 1984 Project is about sharing, once a day, a little nugget from 1984 with you. I will keep this going as long as I get some sort of thumbs up, comment, "like" or whatever encouraging sign from you. The day there's no sign, I stop. It's not a threat, no harmed feelings!

Some posts might be in English, but I expect words to come to me in French more naturally in this case, quite obviously. But don't worry, there won't be many words anyway; usually just a YouTube link and a couple of comments will do.

So let's get things started with Orwell. In 1984 they made a movie adaptation of the book, which I saw at tiny Cinema Alain Resnais in Clermont-L'Herault. I don't remember much of the movie, but I don't think it was very good (then again I wouldn't necessarily trust the 14-yr old version of me for movie recommendations).

Eurythmics had a great song at the time, "Sexcrime", which was intended to be part of the movie soundtrack, but ultimately it wasn't selected. I remember being very disappointed at the time. Maybe I would have liked the movie better if it had included this:

That's it for today! Future posts (if any) will be much shorter...